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What's Gravity?

Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center.

OK! Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) discovered gravity.

For me, it’s true. The way I can describe it is: A living will of a thing or object through the time it’s given.


Sir Isaac Newton sitting on a living tree that produces apples. The apple is alive from the tree stem. Once the apple is considered ripe or ready to eat, the time has come for it to fall from the tree.

Scientifically speaking, it’s the density (thickness, heaviness) of the apple by the juice and skin inside it.

The apple didn’t choose to drop itself. It was the time to do so. By who?… God (in this case), since the Bible says that:

“Everything has its time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Therefore, the apple was allowed/chosen to be ready to be consumed in its state of being ready.

For Humans:

It’s a little different since we have permission to act upon ourselves (free will).

Adam and Eve were chosen/allowed/commanded to do simple tasks. According to logic or little critical thinking, God told them about the tree of life (eternity) and knowledge, but it wasn’t the time yet to be consumed since He told them specifically not to eat from it (Genesis 2:16).

What Does This Have to Do with Gravity?

Remember: In my personal definition, gravity is a living organism by a force through time.

Spiritually speaking, a force is energy, whether it’s: Audible, said, touched, smelled, seen. Before we see it, smell it, or touch it, it’s already there (by faith, something unseen) by the time it’s ready to manifest.


There is gasoline smeared on the floor. A person with logic/intelligence (you and I) knows that’s a possibility and cause of fire. Therefore, we “know the future" since we are partially eternal beings (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also set eternity in the human heart. Yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. When Adam and Eve listened to the serpent (his words, the living influence), they were told to eat the forbidden fruit. They changed their minds by the depth/intensity/force of the serpent manipulative words since he took advantage of time of the given directions.

Their eyes (her eyes) were attracted by the force/intensity of beauty from the fruit’s appearance and decided to eat it.

Gravity or force is a spiritual influence caused by something that is living or to be living, aka existing.

Conclusion: Einstein and Hawking

Yet, Albert Einstein stated at some point by theory that “time is irrelevant” (not important/meaningless). How? Yet I just proved it.

Also, Stephen Hawking tried to prove the “theory of everything” (the creation of the world).

Notes on Einstein, Gravity, and God’s Creation

In his researches and books (I haven’t read, but saw the movie of “The theory of everything”), Hawking studied and proved the equation that Einstein introduced:

E = mc²

(Not getting deep into math), it proved that possibly the Earth was created by the Big Bang. It’s theorized that an explosion from a star later then becoming a black hole as a singularity caused this. Yet nothing can come out of a singularity since it sucks everything in its path. Again, about gravity…

My Personal Definition:

It’s a living thing allowed to happen in/through time, meaning someone that controls time. It’s bound/controlled by it and has to be none other than God.


A construction company (living humans) has a blueprint of a building not yet present in a timely manner. They see their building by their idea and build it in faith just how they see it. Well, the same with God:

Genesis 1:

  • “In the beginning (time), God created the heavens and the Earth.”
  • “Now the Earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep (water), and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
  • “And God said, ‘Let there be light’ (a living, intense force that radiates visible light through living particles vibrating really fast, aka gas). God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness (moon).”

Darkness is the state of existence when there is no light (symbolically sin which can’t dwell in for those who have Christ since he is light). Everything is energy which is eternal since energy is vibration that resonates anywhere.

Aka: God, meaning light = infinite energy. “The Alpha and the Omega, beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:13)

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